Monday, February 1, 2010

More favourite shots from the rock moll years

This shot of the Buggirl guitar (accompanied by Amber body parts), taken more than 5 years ago is a favourite of many.

A curious night out at the Empire Hotel Parramatta Road, Feb 2006 was Japanese all gel band, Ni hao.  The hype was there, support was good.  It was mid week & folks were waiting (some had jobs or uni to go to the next morning).  Hinting at a Diva style - we waited - then finally on they came - lively & fast with striped socks and much Domo arigato!!  Within 20 minutes -so exact, I suspect a stop watch was involved - they were done. 
However, they were really good fun & very photogenic:


  1. Love these shots they really capture the live vibe so well..

  2. Thanks so much Mondo of fun pods - it really was good to do and I felt so cool and underground - more shots to come
